19th century had major technical and scientific advances but also a whole lot of weird BS like Spiritualism and Telepathy.
In expanding a space of future possibilities with real innovation, it appears you also always create a grifting weird BS space.
The magical thinking is inevitable consequence of new thinking.
Metaphorical space is tricky
In particular this happens if there in nothing perceivable or physical to show. The new language and metaphors are easily hijacked by weird BS merchants.
If the real thing is happening then perhaps this BS thing can happen. The proof of validity of innovation is used as evidence for BS.
And inverse logic works too. If science couldn’t invent this or prove this before now then what else is possible but unprovable currently. What magic is true but is just outside of the bubble? The expanding bubble of proof enables the expanding space for uncertainty.
Call out the BS
Engaging with weird BS is thus a natural part of the innovation process. Recognising it and calling it out is as much of innovation as inventing and deploying new technologies.
Be explicit about what is possible.
Call out the weird BS that shadows what you do and know.