Last: Tuesday 20th September 2022
Cost: £10

This workshop describes a few ways to think about how to design your own online workshops to facilitate sharing knowledge held by a group or to teach a skill or process.
It comes in two parts:
- Card plus c. 25 minute Podcast
- 2 hour online workshop
I will share some of my experiences of shifting from in-person to hybrid online workshops and the tools and methods I use to design workshops.
This is not a complex workshop. It is about exploring ideas to provide clarity and confidence. The structures and tools are simple so you have a foundation to start with and that you can then adapt and throw away as you find your own style.
Workshop Content
I wrote post about the ideas in the workshop a few week’s ago – read Designing Hybrid Workshops.
The workshop is in three parts:
• Sharing Wonder
• Offering Safety
• Architecting Activities
Sharing Wonder is a pre-workshop podcast with an individual activity for you to work thru:
- What wonder you want to share? Is it teaching a skill or facilitating a question. Is it Wonder! or Wonder?
- What role are you wanting to take on? Are you a teacher or a facilitator? How confident are you?
Offering Safety is the opening part of the 2 hour Zoom conference encounter. Hybrid workshops have created different forms of anxiety in workshops. Being more explicit about workshop forms and offering ways of enabling participant autonomy and their own sense of safety matters. I will show some methods that I use and offer time for group chats about how hybrid workshops have affected you.
Architecting Activities is the second part of the Zoom encounter. Workshop activities, sharing time together learning new methods or exploring ideas, are crucial but can, especially in hybrid workshops, go wrong. I will share a couple of tools I use and then create spaces in Zoom rooms and in Mural for people to talk about what they hope to do. Meeting and sharing ideas with other people is the key point of any workshop for me. It is the time you spend with each other that is so valuable.
Workshop Goals
Gaining personal clarity and confidence together is the goal.
There are no requirements for this workshop. Come along and start a journey to your own hybrid workshop.
Share your wonder!
£10 per person
By Stripe
When a workshop date is set then this section will have a link to pay by credit card on the Stripe website.
By Bank Transfer
Please email us to say that you making a payment by bank transfer.
Corporate Customers
Payment against proforma invoice and purchase order is available for government or corporate participants.
Details, refunds and contact
The 2 hour Zoom encounter has run twice in 2022.
The content includes the workshop card sent to an address you provide, the download link for the podcast (with text version) and link to the Zoom encounter.
Full refund of donation if neither card nor podcast link has not been sent out. 66% refund if card has been sent out. 33% refund if card and podcast link have been sent out.
If you have any questions then please email me