Post originally written on November 13th
For World Kindness Day, sharing a tool developed for professionals involved in User Research and CoDesign workshops.
Take time to value yourself so you can understand the value you can give away to others.
This tool was developed in terms of CoDesign as a method of sharing skills and power into communities with deficits in both. Even the most junior member of an organisation (government or private) has skills and power that they may not self-recognise. Normally they can only sense the power they lack within the structure they are within.
So many people work without valuing themselves as the system does not validate them.
It’s easy to forget self-worth and so forget the possibilities of what can be given away to others: in knowledge and power.
Kindness in a society starts with kindness to self.
I hope this helps you or people you work with.
Be kind to yourself.
A Little Book of Me

Being kind to yourself to be kind in society
The booklet is simply a way of centering your ability to perceive value and kindness in yourself so you can then see how it can be shared.
Use it just to remind yourself that you have skills and knowledge that are valuable and that you can create hope and change.
Be kind to yourself so you can can share kindness.