“Good design is invisible” is a fairly smug cliché among designers. Affordance It is based on the idea of Affordance. The idea that some design can be so intuitive, so obvious that people just use the product or service. They do not notice it as they benefit from it. However, there is a flip side […]
Bad words to describe new ideas
Sometimes when trying to explain a new idea it is good to use a diagram or an analogy. People understand things when they are positioned in ways that link to their existing mental models or knowledge. Sometimes. I also use neologisms. New words that can sit inside a sentence. They are not necessarily pretty words […]
4 O’s – mapping a project check in
I was asked to chat to a manager today about where they are in an ongoing project and whether there was any way I could be helpful. I know nothing about the project and very little about the organisation’s processes, methodologies and culture. So I needed a way of framing the short conversation and understanding […]
Wayfinding in places and projects
I use a simple framework when planning wayfinding projects. It is called ABCD. Alignment Boundaries Centered Direction You can learn a lot about the framework in the 30 minute talk I gave at Webexpo 2022 in Prague. The following link has both video of me talking and the slides – Successful Journeys. A new workshop […]
Spending time together, positively at EuroIA
I am glad to be running a new workshop at EuroIA conference in Marseille at the end of September. You can read about the conference, all the workshops and talks, and buy tickets (there are only 100) on their website EuroIA22. I now try to provide pre-workshop information to prospective participants and this post explains […]
I know things but should I speak up?
I have made some new stickers and cards for the workshops I facilitate. They are deliberately pointy to force participants to think about how they value their own knowledge and the knowledge of people they are sharing a time and place with. I am going to use this post to explain why I think I […]
Accessibility enables autonomy – a project example
These are some tactile and Braille interpretation materials for a new English Heritage project – read about it in this Guardian article. It was a fairly low budget project that needed fast delivery so all elements were kept simple in design terms. However, the key point is that we made multiple pieces of media to […]
Meeting the ghost of myself coming home
I wasn’t enjoying my coffee and cake. My dead mother was grumpy and both the cafe and home toilets had tried to gang up on me. Sitting in the window, looking at the new shirt, I turned Mum over in my hand and tried to decide whether to lie to her or not. Until ten […]
Help me think?
In 2018 I was doing work on Forgetting in design. This was mostly due to a mix of work in Dementia and human centered design concerns about the demand for Memorability made by some products and services. I’ve come back to this diagram due to work updating the SensoryUX workshop I have been running since […]
The Mona Lisa on my mantlepiece
The Mona Lisa arrived at our house today. It has taken time to get here. I asked for it a year ago at my neighbourhood well and then there were many conversations around the well to understand why I needed the original painting. Wouldn’t a jpeg or a printed poster be enough? was the main […]